The City of Pine Bluff has received a $25,000 grant that will help to pay for improvements to a community garden on Cherry Street.

City Grant Writer Tiffany Copeland told the Pine Bluff City Council last week that the grant came from the Blue and You Foundation for a Healthier Arkansas and is specifically earmarked for the community garden.

She said there are currently 16 plant beds with greens and lettuce that are tended to by volunteers.  A new play area was recently completed with future plans including a pavilion and fencing around the area.

“Everything you see is from grant money,” Copeland said.

A community garden on Cherry Street in Pine Bluff has 16 plant beds with greens and lettuce that are tended to by volunteers. A new playground area was recently installed. Future plans include a pavilion and fencing around the area.  The City of Pine Bluff received a $25,000 grant from the Blue and You Foundation for a Healthier Arkansas.

City Finance Director Steve Miller said Pine Bluff had previously received grants totaling $67,000 for the community garden project, plus the $25,000 from the new grant.

During the council meeting last week, Council member Bruce Lockett said he would like to see community gardens in other parts of the city, a goal that Pine Bluff Mayor Shirley Washington said in the works.

“We wanted to get the big one out of the way first,” she said.

Washington said that she recently visited the garden.  While there, she was approached by several residents of a nearby apartment complex who inquired about the possibility of a community garden for them.

She said there is vacant land that could be turned into a garden for the residents and hoped others in the city will also buy into the idea and will support community gardens in their neighborhoods.