The City of Pine Bluff is one of four cities across the nation who have received a grant for proposed lead service line replacement projects.

According to a release from the Mayor’s Office, the Healthy Babies Bright Futures Bright Cities program awarded a total of $60,000 that will be split between Pine Bluff, Clarksville, Tenn., Flint, Mich., and Youngstown, Ohio.

Pine Bluff will use its share of the grant to distribute home kits with items like BPA free sippy cups or pacifiers and branded reusable bags directly to families through coaches, nurses, and other direct service staff to share information about lead exposure and remediation with 100 homes.

Housing related environmental problems are a significant cause of adult and pediatric health conditions, from asthma to lead positioning but it goes beyond just health outcomes,” Mayor Shirley Washington was quoted as saying. “Homeownership is the greatest key to wealth building in the United States. If we can support residents to secure safe and healthy homes we can positively impact families for generations to come.”

“This is why this grant is so important,” she said. “We must prioritize this initiative to continue improving the quality of life for our residents.”