As a precaution against COVID-19, the City of Pine Bluff implemented remote work for non-uniformed employees throughout city departments. This was enacted to reduce public gatherings in city buildings. Since then, the city has monitored ongoing health developments in the State of Arkansas.

As the governor oversees phase 1 of reopening the state, it is now time to end remote work and resume regular operations. 

Effective Monday, May 18, non-uniformed employees will be working at their normal work sites. City buildings will be open to the public. Normal business hours will resume from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

Out of an abundance of caution, the Pine Bluff Aquatic Center will slowly reopen to the public in a limited capacity on June 1. Scheduling details will be announced in the coming weeks. 

The city will continue to enact safety measures against COVID-19 as buildings reopen for public entry. As instructed, employees will wear masks and maintain social distancing at all times. Residents and employees will be subjected to temperature checks before entering public facilities.

Individuals with temperatures at or above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit will not be admitted. Furthermore, as directed by the governor, no more than 50 people at a time will be allowed to gather within any building.  

COVID-19 is still a threat that requires caution. The  public should continue to follow all health directives. Throughout this reopening, the city will regularly communicate with public health officials to maintain, monitor, and adjust operations as needed.