By Ray King
The first meeting of the month proved to be a brief one for the Pine Bluff City Council Monday night as only one resolution was voted on, a resolution to adopt the 2025 Municipal Budget, which totals roughly $40 million.
Six members of the council, Steven Mays, Glen Brown Jr., Glen Brown Sr., Steven Shaner, Bruce Lockett and Lanette Frazier were present in council chambers while the other two, Lloyd Holcomb Jr., and Latisha Brunson attended remotely via zoom. With no discussion, the resolution was adopted unanimously.
After the meeting, Lockett was asked if many changes will occur to this budget spearheaded by Mayor Washington when Mayor elect Vivian Flowers becomes Mayor.
The resolution states that the budget has been “vetted by various committees of the council and recommended by the Council’s Ways and Means Committee is in the best interest of the city.”
It goes on to say that the budget may be “amended or revised by action of the city council via ordinance, resolution, order or budget adjustment and unpledged funds may be subsequently appropriated to another lawful purpose or purposes.”
A resolution appointing Lisa Kosmitis to the Civic Auditorium Commission to replace Will Jenkins was pulled by Mayor Shirley Washington, who was sponsoring it.
The council also approved taking money from the General, Street Fund, Transit Fund and Community Development Fund to pay bonuses to all full and part-time employees.