Pine Bluff City Council Advances Transit Funding and Reviews New Ordinances


By Ray King

During a brief meeting on Monday, the Pine Bluff City Council adopted a resolution authorizing the filing of an application with the Federal Transit Authority to help cover costs associated with the Pine Bluff Transit Department.

Council member Lanette Frazier, who cosponsored the resolution, explained it to Deltaplex News.

In addition to authorizing the filing of an application, the resolution authorizes the Mayor to file additional certifications or documents required before the Federal Transportation Agency awards grants or cooperative agreements.

In other business, proposed ordinances dealing restricting smoke shops and vape shops from doing business in certain parts of the city and dealing with abandoned, wrecked, dismantled or inoperable vehicles were read for the second time without comment. The two ordinances, sponsored by Council Member William Fells, will be up for the third and final reading when the council meets again Feb. 18.

That meeting was moved to Tuesday because the city will be closed for the Federal President’s Day Holiday Monday, Feb. 17.

Read for the first time were ordinances requiring that appropriation ordinances specify the funding source and changing the way budget adjustments or other amendments are handled.

The council also approved a resolution establishing a $1,200 travel expenses line item in the City Clerk’s Office for job related travel.