Following is list of schools, offices and businesses that have informed us of closings. Please forward your closings to [email protected] and we will add your organization to this list and air on our network of radio stations.
Pine Bluff schools will be closed Friday January 10th.
White Hall schools will be closed Friday January 10th.
Watson Chapel schools will be closed Friday January 10th.
SEARK College will be closed on Friday January 10th.
Sheridan schools will be closed Friday January 10th.
Rison schools will be closed Friday January 10th.
Star City schools will be closed Friday January 10th.
Stuttgart schools will be closed Friday January 10th.
Fordyce schools will be closed Friday January 10th.
Monticello schools will be closed Friday January 10th.
Woodlawn schools will be will be closed Friday January 10th.
Poyen schools will be closed Friday January 10th.
Dumas schools will be closed Friday January 10th.
City of Pine Bluff offices will be closed Friday January 10th.
City of White Hall essential services only open Friday January 10th. Any citizen needing services because of winter storm call 870-247-2399
Jefferson County Courthouse will be CLOSED on Friday January 10th. Normal hours of business operations
will resume on Monday January 13th
Pine Bluff Transit will be CLOSED on Friday January 10th. Normal hours of business operations
will resume on Monday January 13th