Lack of a quorum leads to no budget vote during Thursday night’s Jefferson County Quorum Court meeting


Seven Jefferson County Quorum Court Justices held a meeting Thursday night inside of the Division 1 Courtroom that turned into a question and answer session due to not having enough Justices on hand to form a quorum.

Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney Kyle Hunter was on hand providing legal counsel on numerous questions throughout the evening, to include proper procedure for the justices with them only having seven justices at the meeting.

Justices on hand included Alfred Carroll, Reginald Adams, Reginald Johnson, Margarette Williams, Melanie Johnson Dumas, Brenda Bishop Gaddy, and Cedric Jackson.

With only seven justices no votes could take place, but an official meeting could take place once a chair was appointed. The justices on hand voted Alfred Carroll as chair for the evening, then moved to public comments.

Following public comments several justices asked Hunter for advice on several legal issues on how to move forward as they prepare to try to negotiate an agreement that will lead to a budget being passed and Jefferson County employees being paid.

The justices also took questions from the media where they were asked about a potential meeting on Saturday.

Jefferson County Judge Gerald Robinson told several members of the media that he is planning a meeting for 2 p.m. Saturday. However, the seven justices on hand stated they have not been informed of any such meeting.

Following the Q&A session the meeting was adjourned.

At this point in time it is uncertain when the Jefferson County Quorum Court will be able to pass a budget, leading to employees and other county bills being paid.