A Blue Ribbon recognition assembly will honor Kingsland Elementary School at Kingsland for being one of only 349 schools in the nation named a 2018 Blue Ribbon school.  The assembly will be held on Friday, November 30, 2018 at 9:00am in the school auditorium.

Last month, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos recognized Kingsland Elementary and 348 other schools from across the country as National Blue Ribbon Schools for 2018.

The recognition is made by the U.S. Department of Education and is based on a school’s overall academic performance or progress in closing achievement gaps among student subgroups. Kingsland Elementary was recognized for closing the achievement gap.


“I’m pleased to celebrate with you as your school is named a National Blue Ribbon School,” DeVos said in a video message to the honorees. “We recognize and honor your important work in preparing students for successful careers and meaningful lives. Congratulations on your students’ accomplishments and for your extraordinary commitment to meeting their unique needs.”

Kingsland Elementary principal Danny Durey (standing rear, near middle) poses with his students, teachers, staff and others for a group photo after learning about the Blue Ribbon Award during a ceremony held Monday at the school auditorium. Kingsland was one of only 349 public and private schools nationwide to receive the award. Kingsland was recognized for its performance in closing the achievement gap between subgroups and the general student population.

Less than .003 percent of all the schools in the U.S., both public and private, are recognized for the award.

Kingsland Elementary Principal Danny Durey said the award is based on the school’s performance in closing the achievement gap between “subgroups” and the general student population over the past five years. Subgroups are specific groups within the general student population that can be based on race, disabilities, income levels, etc.

“I was shocked just to find out we were nominated,” Durey said Tuesday, noting that the Arkansas Department of Education is the agency that nominated Kingsland for the award.

During next week’s assembly program, a presentation will be made by Johnny Key, commissioner of education for the Arkansas Department of Education.  For more information, call 870.348.5335.