King strives for unity and transparency as Cleveland County School District Superintendent


The Cleveland County School District named Davy King as Superintendent in February, and the Rison native has hit the ground running since taking over for Jarrod Williams, who served as Superintendent for one year.

When King was hired his familiarity with the school and vision for the District were two big reasons for elevating him from Director of Athletics, Transportation, and Maintenance.

King spoke with Deltaplex News Tuesday morning to give a brief history on his ties to Rison, which includes being a member of the football team that ended the Barton Bears football dynasty in the 1990 Class A State Championship game before defeating Carlisle in 1991 to become back-to-back state champions, and how that bond made him want to always be a part of the district in Rison.

He said that he wants the district to be like it was when he was a kid, where you always knew people had your back.

King said that one big emphasis that he and his administration has is to continue pushing kids to have success in academics.

There are a few things King is working on, to include some facility upgrades, as well as improving athletics beyond football.

Rison has seen more athletes competing in more than one sport since an emphasis has been put on more than just football under King’s direction.

King finished by saying his biggest goal as Superintendent is to ensure there is unity and transparency within the district.