Jefferson County Quorum Court Delays Key Procedures Decision to Address Budget Dispute


By Ray King

Legislation to adopt procedures for the Jefferson County Quorum Court for the next two years was put off until Monday during the first meeting of the year for the county’s legislative body, Tuesday.

The procedures ordinance was the first and only item on the agenda for the Human Resources Committee and its Chairman, Danny Holcomb, explained why it became necessary to hold off on approving it.

The members will meet beginning at 5 p.m. on Monday to discuss and hopefully adopt the procedures ordinance, which must be done before any other business can be transacted.

Following that will be discussion and adoption of the county’s 2025 budget, a version of which was vetoed by County Judge Gerald Robinson in December. That version was prepared by several members of the quorum court and called for expenditures not approved by Robinson.

The justices of the peace will attempt to override that veto Monday.

Arkansas law requires that quorum courts, at their first meeting of the year, adopt procedures which include meeting days and times, publishing and providing a written agenda for the meetings, identifying standing committees, and designating the County Judge as the person who appoints members and chairmen of the committees.

The ordinance also includes establishing an order of business for meetings.