Jefferson County Judge Gerald Robinson discusses Monday night’s contentious quorum court meeting


Following yet another contentious meeting the Jefferson County Quorum Court was unable to pass a budget during a special called meeting Monday night.

Deltaplex News has published an article covering the meeting that can be read by Clicking Here. That article mentions a complete breakdown during the meeting that led to no budget being passed.

Following the meeting Jefferson County Judge Gerald Robinson said he believes the meeting broke down from the beginning stages once it was called to order.

Robinson continued by saying this:

During the meeting Justice Danny Holcomb later stated that he spoke with the Arkansas Attorney General who told him that the quorum court could vote to reinstate the 2024 budget for 60 days while a new budget was hashed out.

After discussion on that matter Justice Alfred Carroll made a motion that was seconded to amend an early motion to vote on a budget presented earlier in order to do what Holcomb had asked for. That motion was seconded, but was not acknowledged by Robinson, leading to a vote on the original budget that did not pass when brought to a vote.

Robinson told Deltaplex News that Carroll’s motion was not acknowledged because the earlier motion that was made had not been dealt with.

Following that vote Robinson adjourned the meeting. However, Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney Kyle Hunter stated the meeting was not properly adjourned due to no vote to adjourn taking place, and that the justices could remain in the room to hash out a budget as long as nine members remained.

Robinson gave his opinion on that and other statements made by Hunter during the meeting.