Ryan Watley, CEO of Go Forward Pine Bluff, announced that they have been selected to join the Rural LISC network of partner organizations. Rural LISC is a national program created by Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC). It is a community development support organization working in metropolitan areas across the country to expand its reach to include rural communities. Rural LISC partners with 87 rural community- based organizations across 44 states. They help identify challenges, opportunities, and deliver the most appropriate support to meet local needs.

Rural LISC provides a wide range of services including training, technical assistance, and financial support to help rural communities address the problems they face. Rural LISC uses their Comprehensive Community Development Strategy to support its partners in expanding investment in real estate, increasing family income and wealth, stimulating economic development, improving access to quality education, and growing healthy environments and lifestyles.


GFPB looks forward to working with Rural LISC and collaborating with the organization in the network to bring Pine Bluff best practices, expertise and financial support to continue the work of reimaging Pine Bluff. Rural LISC Comprehensive Community Development Strategy will help Go Forward Pine Bluff to better implement its plan’s recommendations for economic development, education, government and infrastructure, and quality of life.