It’s almost Thanksgiving and the kids are out of school all week….

The Star City Library has a lot to be thankful for and would like to give back to its community and support the Star City Animal Shelter with a special program.  Kids of all ages are invited to stop by the library on Tuesday, November 20, 2018 from 1:00 to 4:00pm to make chewy toys for the dogs out of recycled t-shirts.

All materials are provided due to several generous t-shirt donations from library patrons.  Library staff will help kids during the program and provide instructions on how to make the dog toys.

This is a stop-and-go event.  Participants can stay as long as they like and make as many dog toys as they desire.

“We love the idea of making Christmas presents for the dogs,” says a spokesperson.

Children ages eight and young must be accompanied by an adult who is available to stay with them during the program.  This event is free of charge and no signing up is required.

For more information, call the Star City Library at 870.628.4711.