One of the major issues that have arisen in the conflict between some members of the Jefferson County Quorum Court and County Judge Gerald Robinson is the position of Jefferson County Attorney.

That attorney is Terry Wynne, who was hired by Robinson and research shows that the county judge, dating at least back to 1999 has employed a private attorney to represent the county, rather than use the prosecuting attorney or a deputy prosecutor.

Justice of the Peace Lloyd Franklin Jr., has been the most outspoken on this subject, sending a letter to the Arkansas Association of Counties claiming a vote of no confidence had been taken by members of the Quorum Court on Wynne’s performance.

Appearing on Oldies 1013 Tuesday, Robinson said the problem is that  ‘they are not getting the answers they want from Wynne.”

Robinson then went on to say this.

Franklin copied that letter to Prosecuting Attorney S. Kyle Hunter saying that Hunter is mandated to perform the duties of county attorney by state law.

Hunter responded to Franklin saying he would not be attending Quorum Court meetings because Terry Wynne was the county attorney, not him.

A follow-up letter from Franklin to Hunter basically threatened him, morning show host Greg Horne said during the conversation with Robinson.

Horne then asked Robinson why Franklin was displaying the apparent anger he was and Robinson answered this way.