The City Council at Star City, during their meeting Monday, approved opening a bank account for the approximately $350,000 the city received from the American Rescue Funds Act.

Mayor Paul Carter told the council the money can be used for city projects including repairs to the on-going sewer main on Ford Street which Carter said is an expensive project.

The Mayor also updated the council on the fiber optic internet project and said the first phase of the $3.7 million project is expected to be completed by the end of September. Once completed, the system will provide 100gb upload, 100gb download,  and coverage to 100 percent of Star City residents, according to paperwork received by the city. This project is being paid for by a grant.

The Council also voted to have City Attorney Clint Todd send notices to all residents who are affected by the new Stock Law that was recently approved. Those residents will have 14 days to comply with the provisions of the ordinance.