The Pine Bluff City Council met at the convention center Tuesday evening, July 6, and discussed two ordinances and one resolution on their agenda. The meeting featured Mayor Shirley Washington, Council members Ivan Whitfield, Joni Alexander, Bruce Lockett, Llyod Holcomb, Glenn Brown Sr., Glenn Brown Jr., and Steven Shaner.
The first ordinance on their agenda was an amendment of a section in the Code of Ordinances of the city, allowing the city to govern the documenting of the purchase of goods and services for related purposes. The second ordinance requires periodic reports from the various boards and commissions of the city for review by the city council. Both were approved to be read for the third and final time before being enacted at the next meeting.
The last topic of the meeting included a resolution for adopting the Title VI Program for the Pine Bluff transit authority, which was adopted without contest. Council member Ivan Whitfield commented and said, “This resolution was to help improve the transit in our community, so it was a non-debatable.”
The Title VI Program ensures that no person is excluded from participating in, denied the benefits of, or discriminated against under its projects, programs, or activities receiving federal financial assistance on the basis of race, color, or national origin. With the assistance of the federal 5307 funds, Pine Bluff Transits provides fixed routes and Americans with Disabilities transportation. The transit is required to update these clauses every three years for the Federal Transit Administration as a record of the most current Title VI Program.
The council will meet for the second meeting of the month on July 19 at 5:30 p.m. at the convention center.