Cash-only bond set for man accused of being a felon with firearm


By Ray King

A traffic stop by Pine Bluff Police Wednesday night resulted in the arrest of a man previously convicted of several felonies after a loaded gun was found in the car the man was driving.

Clifton Lancaster, 37, of White Hall was taken into custody when police stopped a silver Toyota he was driving after the car failed to stop at a stop sign at Miramar and Jonquil Streets.

Reading from an affidavit by Detective Keith Banks, Deputy Prosecutor Jill Reed told the court what happened after officers stopped the car.

When Lancaster was questioned, he said he did stop at the stop sign and was driving his mother’s car. He said he did not know anything about the gun.

Reed said there is an alias warrant for Lancaster because he failed to appear in court and because of that, Jefferson County District Judge Kim Bridgforth set a $15,000 cash-only bond after ruling prosecutors have probable cause to charge him with being a felon in possession of a firearm.

He said he would hire his own attorney.