Soldiers to support Ark. Dept. of Health, Ark. Div. of Emergency Mgmt & DOMS

 WHO: The Arkansas National Guard

 WHAT: By order of the Governor, has mobilized 4 Soldiers from the 39th Infantry Brigade Combat Team

 WHEN: March 23, 2020, thru a date to be determined

 WHERE: ADH, ADEM, and Camp Robinson

 WHY: The Arkansas Division of Emergency Management has tasked the Arkansas National Guard to provide staff planners to the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH), Arkansas Division of Emergency Management (ADEM) to support national stockpile personal protective equipment planning, and to the Directorate of Military Support (DOMS) to support quarantine planning operations.

 One plans Soldier will assist ADH with planning operations at ADH. One plans Soldier will assist ADH with planning operations at DOMS. One logistics Soldier will track, receive, distribute and plan national stockpile personal protective equipment at ADEM, and one intelligence analyst Soldier to help plan national stockpile personal protective equipment distribution at ADEM.

 The total number of Soldiers and Airmen on state active duty is 32. Six are from the Arkansas Air National Guard’s 189th Airlift Wing, and 26 are from the Arkansas Army National Guard’s 39th Infantry Brigade Combat Team.

 The Arkansas National Guard assumes support roles to augment civil authorities, where needed and directed by the Governor, to help in a crisis.