2024 UAPB AM&N National Alumni Queen and King Announced


The UAPB AM&N National Alumni Association Inc. announced its 2024 UAPB AM&N National Alumni Association Royal Court on Wed. Oct. 16, to build the excitement for the upcoming 2024 UAPB Homecoming Week festivities that start on Sun. Oct. 20.

The Alumni Association Royal Court includes Dr. Marshawn Wilbourn, a dedicated alumnus, as the 2024 Alumni King winner, raising $6,816.28. The Runner-Up for Alumni Queen is Bessie McIntosh-Webb, raising $34,344.

The Alumni Association’s release proudly presented their 2024 Alumni Queen winner as Attorney Danyelle Walker, a passionate supporter of the Alumni Association’s causes, raising 64,690.20!


Tanesha Thompson, President of the UAPB AM&N National Alumni Association, Inc., said, “Congratulations to our incredible honorees for raising a grand amount for “Dear Mother” and the UAPB AM&N National Alumni Association. This achievement results from a collective effort and commitment to our alma mater.”

The Royal Court’s official coronation will occur during the Annual UAPB/AM&N Alumni Awards Luncheon on Friday, Oct. 25, 2024, at 12:30 p.m. at the Pine Bluff Convention Center. The annual luncheon is designed for alumni, supporters, family, and friends to reconnect, reminisce, and recognize their new Hall of Fame inductees and the 2024 Alumni King and Queen.